Neuroprotective therapies are interventions that produce enduring bene
fits by favorably influencing underlying etiology or pathogenesis of n
eurodegenerative disorders. Neuroprotection remains an unachieved goal
of experimental therapeutics. A variety of pathogenetic mechanisms an
d propagating factors have been implicated in the emergence and progre
ssion of Parkinson's disease (PD). Antioxidative strategies have been
the focus of neuroprotective trials for PD, but interpretation of the
outcomes has been controversial. Traditional end points that respond t
o enhanced dopaminergic activity may not be suitable for distinguishin
g symptomatic from neuroprotective effects. Inferences supporting neur
oprotective effects in clinical trials would be strengthened by attent
ion to unmet therapeutic needs or relevant clinical end points that ar
e not currently amenable to dopaminergic treatments. Progressive postu
ral instability and intellectual impairment (dementia) represent two m
ajor unmet therapeutic needs in PD that are worthy outcomes in therape
utic trials. Imaging tools such as [F-18]-dopa PET and [I-123] B-CIT S
PECT may provide valid and reliable biologic markers of nigrostriatal
degeneration. Controlled clinical trials focused on unmet therapeutic
needs, and involving valid biologic markers is expected to play a cent
ral role in development of neuroprotective therapy for PD.