The oft-cited general correlation between net sediment accumulation an
d preservation of organic matter, while revealing in many ways, can be
a misleading indicator of general elemental cycling processes and con
trols on storage of biogenic material at the continental-ocean boundar
y. Deltaic environments are characterized by the highest rates of net
sedimentation and are the single most important class of depocenters o
n Earth. Available data indicate that sedimentary organic C (C-org) of
both terrestrial and marine origin is efficiently decomposed in delta
ic areas, with decomposition percentages reaching greater than or equa
l to 70% and greater than or equal to 90%, respectively, the latter pe
rcentage (marine) being quite comparable to deep-sea, low sedimentatio
n environments. Despite high primary productivity associated with most
deltas and evidence of substantial deposition of fresh planktonic deb
ris, patterns of SO4= reduction indicate that the reactivity of organi
c material being buried is low, and that a larger proportion of C-org
is often degraded compared to other marine deposits of similar net acc
umulation rate. As indicated by properties of the surficial Amazon del
ta and downdrift coastal region of northeast South America(similar to
1600-km extent), the primary reasons for efficient remineralization ar
e related to intense and massive physical reworking of sediment associ
ated with estuarine fronts, upwelling, tidal oscillation, and wind-dri
ven waves. Fluid muds and mobile surface material cause the seafloor a
nd continental boundary to act as a massive, suboxic, fluidized bed re
actor dominated in some cases by bacterial rather than macrofaunal bio
mass. Reoxidation, repetitive redox successions, metabolite exchange,
and continual mixing-in of fresh planktonic debris with refractory ter
restrial components, result in an efficient decomposition system large
ly decoupled from net accumulation. Similar processes occur on smaller
scales in most estuarine-shelf systems, but appear to be most dramati
cally expressed off the major rivers forming deltas. (C) 1998 Elsevier
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