Imaginary frequency instantaneous normal modes (INM) of a number of io
nic melts are examined in the light of recent proposals which connect
them to diffusion and to the strong/liquid character of the fluid. Sep
arate INM density-of-states may be found for each ionic species. A lin
ear relationship between the temperature dependence of the fraction of
INMs which are unstable (f(u)) and that of the diffusion coefficient
of each species has been found. The shapes of the single-mode potentia
l energy curves of the fluid along INM eigenvectors are examined. The
results do not support a general significance for ''double-well'' mode
s as the only ones involved in diffusion. An alternative explanation o
f how single or double well features develop on the single-mode potent
ial curves is proposed. The shape of the unstable INM density-of-state
s reflects the character of the ionic motion: a crossover from \omega\
exp(-B omega(2)) to \omega\exp(-B omega(4)) occurs as the ionic motion
becomes increasingly hindered. Both behaviors, which have been report
ed previously for the Lennard-Jones atomic fluid at normal liquid and
supercooled conditions, respectively, can occur simultaneously in a si
ngle melt for each ionic species. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physi