cystoscopy was performed in nine fetuses with sonographic evidence of
lower urinary tract obstruction and normal urinary electrolytes, Poste
rior urethral valves (PUV) were thought to be present in all cases. En
doscopic fulguration of the valves was performed with YAG-laser energy
or electrosurgery using an operating 2.4-mm endoscope, Urethral paten
cy was documented with vesicoinfusion and color Doppler by noting pass
age of fluid from the fetal bladder into the amniotic cavity. A vesico
amniotic shunt was not typically placed at this setting. Three of nine
cases did not have PUV: one fetus had urethral atresia, another had a
mbiguous genitalia and the third had anal atresia, rectovesical fistul
a and anterior obstruction. Six of nine cases were confirmed postnatal
ly to have had PUV and urethral patency was documented in four of thes
e six cases (66%). The amniotic fluid volume recovered spontaneously i
n three of these four cases and was maintained postoperatively. The ur
ethra was not clinically patent in the remaining two cases, but. patho
logical confirmation could not be obtained. Three of nine fetuses surv
ived the neonatal period: two with PUV and the one with urethral atres
ia. All three babies died of unrelated complications. Two of nine fetu
ses had failed a pre-cystoscopy shunt. A post-cystoscopy shunt also fa
iled in an additional fetus. While there are no long term survivors in
this series, our early experience shows that urethral patency can he
achieved in utero with preservation of renal function and pulmonary de
velopment. Further experience is required to improve the diagnosis of
PUV and to develop a better technique for eliminating the obstruction.