Inheritance of downy mildew (Sclerospora graminicola) resistance in pe
arl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) was studied in a cross involving DMRP
(downy mildew resistant Pennisetum) 292 and DMSP (downy mildew suscept
ible Pennisetum) 23. DMRP 292, derived from IP 18292, and DMSP 23, der
ived from Tift 23DB, were made homozygous for downy mildew resistance-
susceptibility by three generations of single plant selection followin
g inoculations with homogenized sporangial population of S. graminicol
a from the ICRISAT Asia Center. Potted seedlings of parental lines, F-
1, F-2, and BC progenies were evaluated for their reactions to downy m
ildew following inoculation. The results show that complete resistance
to downy mildew in DMRP 292 is controlled by a single dominant gene.
Because of the simple mode of inheritance, resistance utilization from
DMRP 292 is simple and straightforward. We designate this gene as Rsg