Efforts by a citizen's group, Putah Creek Council, to improve the flow
regime of a California stream for ecosystem, aesthetic, recreational,
educational, and research purposes led to a successful court trial in
which fish conservation played a key role. A major issue around which
the trial revolved was the proper interpretation of a section (5937)
of the California Fish and Came Code, which states that fish must be m
aintained in ''good condition'' below a dam. We defined good condition
to mean there had to be healthy individual fish in healthy population
s that were part of healthy biotic communities. This definition result
ed in a conceptual model for instream flows for the creek that favored
native resident and anadromous fishes. The stream flow recommendation
s from this model had four components: living space flows for the enti
re creek, resident native fish spawning and rearing flows, anadromous
fish flows, and habitat maintenance flows. The trial judge, in attempt
ing to balance competing demands for the water, ordered the implementa
tion of only the first two recommendations. The order has been appeale
d by the water interests, but regardless of the final outcome, the cou
rt's decision reflects the growing public interest in protecting strea
ms, the need for innovative use of existing legal tools to try to prot
ect aquatic resources, and the importance of biological information in
developing flow recommendations for complex fish assemblages.