Wh. Urbanus et al., DEMONSTRATION OF LOW-LOSS ELECTRON-BEAM TRANSPORT AND MM-WAVE EXPERIMENTS OF THE FUSION-FEM, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 407(1-3), 1998, pp. 327-331
In the Fusion-FEM electrostatic Free Electron Maser, an electron beam
loss current of less than 0.2% is essential for long-pulse operation.
At reduced beam current, 3 A instead of the nominal 12 A, we have demo
nstrated electron beam acceleration and transport through the undulato
r at current losses less than 0.02%. This paper summarizes the results
of beam transport experiments and outlines the simple yet effective b
eam diagnostics system. The status of the mm-wave cavity and low-power
measurements are given. It is shown that cavity characteristics, such
as losses, bandwidth, frequency-tuning and feedback coefficient, can
be checked in situ via the output window, by injecting a low power tes
t-signal into the mm-wave system and analyzing the reflected signal. (
C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.