T. Tomimasu et al., FEL FACILITIES AND APPLICATION RESEARCHES AT THE FELI, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 407(1-3), 1998, pp. 494-499
Four FEL facilities (FEL-1, FEL-2, FEL-3 and FEL-4) achieved lasing at
FELI in October 1994, in February 1995, in December 1995 and in Octob
er 1996, respectively. They are open for users and can supply several
MW-level FELs covering the wavelength range of 0.3-40 mu m. Total oper
ation time in 1996 was about 2400 h. The visible- and UV-facility FEL-
3 has broken the world record for the shortest wavelength oscillation
of linac-based FELs with a thermionic gun up to 0.278 mu m. The FEL be
ams are delivered from the optical cavities to the diagnostic room and
four users rooms (18 stations) through the pipe lines. The beam can b
e shared by using fan-shaped Au-coated mirrors to several stations inc
luding two manipulators simultaneously for isotope separation, bio-med
ical and semiconductor applications. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. Al
l rights reserved.