To study the effects of competition in Mediterranean shrubland regener
ation following disturbance, we used a neighborhood approach to assess
the influence of mature Rosmarinus officinalis neighbors on the respr
outing of Erica multiflora individuals after clipping. Sprout biomass
of target plants 2 years after clipping was regressed against various
measures of neighbor abundance within a 2 m radius around target E. mu
ltiflora individuals in which all vegetation except R. officinalis had
been removed. The largest single influence on the biomass of sprouts
produced was the previous biomass of the resprouting plant. The abunda
nce of R. officinalis neighbors had a weak but detectable effect on re
sprouting of E. multiflora. Abundance of neighbors within 60 cm from t
arget plants was the best predictor of regrowth. At this distance, two
simple measures of neighbor abundance within the neighborhood, the nu
mber of neighbors and the sum of their heights, were significant in ac
counting for variation in resprouted biomass. None of the combinations
of neighbor variables performed significantly better than single vari
ables. The best models accounted for around 24 percent of the variatio
n in resprout biomass. As in other studies, angular dispersion of neig
hbors never had a significant effect on performance of target plants.
The weak but significant response of resprouting to variation in R. of
ficinalis abundance suggests that the intensity of competition in the
experiment was low because of the removal of other species.