The assessment of citrus tristeza virus incidence by sampling involves
laboratory testing by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of leaf mater
ial collected in the field. Using field data and computer simulation,
methods of field data collection were compared. One method was similar
to that used by the Central California Tristeza Eradication Agency, i
n which 4 to 6% of the trees in a planting block are sampled and mater
ial from each tree sampled is assayed separately. This method was comp
ared with an alternative method in which about 25% of the trees in a b
lock are sampled, and material from groups of four trees is bulked and
assayed together. Our comparative study indicated that the latter met
hod results in increased accuracy and precision of estimates of citrus
tristeza virus incidence without increasing unduly the number of labo
ratory assays required.