Rates of chemical decomposition of DNA at the optimal growth temperatu
res of hyperthermophiles seem incongruent with the requirements of acc
urate genome replication. The peculiar physiology, ecology and phyloge
ny of hyperthermophiles combine to suggest that these prokaryotes have
solved a molecular problem (spontaneous loss of native DNA structure)
of a magnitude that well-studied microorganisms do not face. The fail
ure of DNA base composition to correlate with optimal growth temperatu
re among hyperthermophiles provides indirect evidence that other mecha
nisms maintain their chromosomal DNA in the duplex form. Studies in vi
tro indicate that DNA primary structure is more difficult to maintain
at extremely high temperature than is secondary structure, yet hyperth
ermophiles exhibit only modest levels of spontaneous mutation. Radiati
on sensitivity studies also indicate that hyperthermophiles repair the
ir DNA efficiently in vivo, and underlying mechanisms are beginning to
be examined. Several enzymes of DNA metabolism from hyperthermophilic
archaea exhibit unusual biochemical features that may ultimately prov
e relevant to DNA repair. However, genomic sequencing results suggest
that many DNA repair genes of hyperthermophilic archaea may not be rec
ognized because they are not sufficiently related to those of well-stu
died organisms.