We have quantitatively reanalyzed the inclusive charmed-baryon decays.
New ingredients are the Voloshin preasymptotic effects in semileptoni
c decays and the Cabibbo-subleading contributions to both semileptonic
and nonleptonic decays. It has been found that the Cabbibo-subleading
Voloshin contribution essentially improves the theoretical semilepton
ic branching ratio of Lambda(c)(+), in agreement with experiment. The
semileptonic branching ratios for Xi(c)(+) and Omega(c)(0) are found t
o be large, i.e., of the order of 20%. The lifetimes hierarchy is in a
good qualitative and even quantitative agreement with experiment exce
pt for the Xi(c)(+) lifetime, which is somewhat smaller than the exper
imental value. Future measurements, especially measurements of the sem
ileptonic branching ratios for Omega(c)(0), Xi(c)(+) and Xi(c)(0) shou
ld be decisive for the check of this approach.