Weathering steel has been widely used in many structures for its good
corrosion resistance in unpainted condition, because a dense and tight
rust layer naturally formed on the surface exhibits corrosion protect
iveness It is, however. known that such a protective rust layer can no
t be created in the case of usage at seaside area. Thus. a Ca-Ni added
weathering steel developed for applications to unpainted steel struct
ures within the coastal area. Two types of outdoor exposure tests were
carried out to evaluate its corrosion resistance; one is an ordinary
exposure lest and another is a sheltered exposure test. The results of
these tests show that the amounts of corrosion loss are greater in th
e case of sheltered exposure tests than for ordinary exposure tests. F
urthermore, the difference in the extents of corrosion in two types ex
posure tests is enhanced, as the amounts of chloride in the atmosphere
increased. Larger extents of chloride ions are detected in the sample
s corroded in the sheltered condition than those in the ordinary test.
It was found that Ca-Ni added weathering steel has a better corrosion
resistance in such a severe environment, probably because alloying el
ements such as Ca, Mi contributed to prohibit the penetration of chlor
ide ions to the interface between metal and rust layer.