Two groups of patients with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas treated wit
h either preoperative chemoradiation (preop CTRT) or postoperative che
moradiation (postop CTRT) were retrospectively analyzed for various tr
eatment-related parameters. Between November 1986 and October 1996, a
total of 70 patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma were enrolled into
preop CTRT protocols at our institution. Twenty-five patients with ad
enocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas underwent pancreaticoduodenec
tomy with curative intent. After the closure of the preop CTRT protoco
ls, we had the opportunity to perform 23 pancreatic resections without
preop CTRT. After surgery, these patients were advised to undergo CTR
T. These two groups of patients were therefore selected consecutively,
dependent only on the time of referral and no other bias. These two c
ohorts of patients are compared for various intraoperative parameters,
length of hospital stay, pathologic findings, time to recurrence, and
survival. Mean age was 65 and 66 years in the preop and postop CTRT g
roups, respectively. Sex distribution was almost equal. Treatment brea
ks resulting in greater than 1 week delay in the radiotherapy occurred
in 2 (8%) of 25 patients in the preop CTRT group (myelotoxicity in 1
case and biliary sepsis in 1 case), whereas no treatment breaks >1 wee
k occurred in those receiving postop CTRT. Eleven patients in preop CT
RT had grade 3 or 4 toxicity, whereas none was noted in those with pos
top CTRT. There was one postoperative death in the preop CTRT group an
d none in the postop CTRT group. Mean time to the start of CTRT was 45
days (range, 20-66 days) after pancreaticoduodenectomy. Delay of >60
days to the onset of CTRT occurred in 2 (22%) patients and was attribu
table to patient delays in time to recover from surgery or patient non
compliance. Furthermore, 5 of 23 patients (22%) in the postop CTRT gro
up did not receive treatment for various reasons. Average estimated op
erative blood loss was 1933 mt (median 1550) and 1060 mt (median 1000)
for preop and postop CTRT groups, respectively. Mean length of operat
ion was 488 minutes (median 480) and 486 minutes (median 480). Median
length of postoperative stay was 22 and 20 days (ranges, 9-144 and 10-
38). Pathological findings in the resected specimens showed significan
tly fewer involved nodes in the preop CTRT group (28 vs 87%; P = 0.000
6), whereas similar numbers of nodes/patient were counted in each grou
p (14 vs 22, P = 0.11). More negative resection margins were observed
in the preop CTRT group (28 vs 56%; P = not significant). A significan
tly greater amount of fibrosis replacing the tumor was observed in the
preop CTRT group (70 vs 40%; P = 0.0001). There were no significant s
urvival differences observed (median 20 months vs 25 months; P = 0.48)
, in follow-up that ranged from 4 to 76 months (median 44 months for s
urviving patients) for the preop group and 4 to 40 months (median 16 m
onths for surviving patients) for those with postop CTRT. Local failur
e either alone or as a component of distant failure occurred in 16 per
cent (4 of 25 patients) with preop CTRT and 16.6 per cent (3 of 18) w
ith postop CTRT. Analysis of differences between those treated with pr
eoperative and postoperative CTRT demonstrates similarity in toxicity
and effects. However, 22 per cent of patients intended for postoperati
ve therapy did not receive treatment.