In the era of managed health care, the primary physician will be requi
red to play an active role in the management of patients with early re
nal failure. This section provides a comprehensive and practical appro
ach to the management of such patients. Early recognition of renal fai
lure and monitoring its progression require an understanding of the pi
tfalls of commonly used diagnostic tests. Tight control of hypertensio
n, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition, and dietary protein restr
iction play important roles in delaying the progression of renal disea
se. Avoidance of additional renal insults such as nephrotoxic drugs an
d radiographic contrast prevents acceleration of renal demise. A varie
ty of clinical manifestations, including dyselectrolytemias, hypertens
ion, malnutrition, secondary hyperparathyroidism, and anemia may devel
op in patients with early renal failure. Timely referral to a nephrolo
gist will facilitate planning for renal replacement therapy and may fa
vorably affect eventual outcomes.