Based on 770 laboratory measurements of void ratio (e) and effective o
verburden pressure (p) from the upper 2 m of sediments in Eckemfoerde
Bay, Baltic Sea, a new empirical model for estimating dynamic shear mo
dulus (mu) was developed as mu = b(0)(p)(b1) exp[-b(2)e + b(3)(ln p)(2
)] where b(0) = 294.89 b(1) = 0.0800, b(2) = 0.0079, b(3) = 0.0227 and
R-2 = 0.9571. The void ratio and effective pressure range from 2.01 t
o 10.03 and from 0.04 to 6.13 kPa, respectively. The results indicate
that a new term of exp[b(3)(lnp)(2)] is needed in the model if the pro
perties of surficial sediments are included. The shear wave velocities
that were calculated from the new model are comparable to those measu
red in situ when the depth is more than 50 cm.