Death receptors have been recently identified as a subgroup of the TNF
-receptor superfamily with a predominant function in induction of apop
tosis. The receptors are characterized by an intracellular region, cal
led the death domain, which is required for the transmission of the cy
totoxic signal. Currently, five different such death receptors are kno
wn including tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-1, CD95 (Fas/ APO-1)
, TNF-receptor-related apoptosis-mediated protein (TRAMP) and TNF-rela
ted apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor-1 and -2. The signaling
pathways by which these receptors induce apoptosis are rather similar
. Ligand binding induces receptor oligomerization, followed by the rec
ruitment of an adaptor protein to the death domain through hemophilic
interaction. The adaptor protein then binds a proximal caspase, thereb
y connecting receptor signaling to the apoptotic effector machinery. I
n addition, further pathways have been linked to death receptor-mediat
ed apoptosis, such as sphingomyelinases, JNK kinases and oxidative str
ess. These pro-apoptotic signals are counteracted by several mechanism
s which inhibit apoptosis at different levels. This review summarizes
the current and rapidly expanding knowledge about the biological funct
ions of death receptors and the mechanisms to trigger or to counteract
cell death.