Red potatoes (Solanum tuberosum and S. stenotomum) were evaluated as p
otential sources for natural red colorants. Qualitative anthocyanin co
mposition, pigment content and phenolic composition were screened on 3
3 cultivars. Monomeric anthocyanin content, determined by pH different
ial, ranged from 2 to 40 mg/100g tuber fresh weight. Two breeding clon
es, NDOP5847-1 and NDC4069-4, showed anthocyanin content >35 mg/100g,
Anthocyanin composition was characterized by HPLC, spectral analyses a
nd mass spectroscopy (MS), All red potato samples showed similar pigme
nt profiles, with pelargonidin-3-rutinoside-5-glucoside acylated with
p-coumaric acid being the major anthocyanin (ca 70%). Anthocyanin cont
ent and profiles of epidermal tissue and flesh were compared for NDC40
69-4. The presence of glycoalkaloids in color extracts was detected by
MS, Some red-fleshed potatoes may be good potential sources of food c