The environmental and energy implications of a midsized automobile wer
e assessed by performing a life-cycle inventory analysis that emphasiz
ed manufacture and use phases. An Economic Input-Output Life-Cycle Ana
lysis model was used that produces a large array of indicators of the
effects of a product or service on the economy and the environment. Th
e analysis corroborates two previous studies that used the conventiona
l life-cycle analysis model developed by the Society for Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) (1,2) and EPA (3). The use phase ia
more important than the manufacture and disposal phases in terms of en
ergy use and environmental discharges. Automobile service is comparabl
e to the fuel cycle in terms of discharges of toxic substances. In con
trast to a Volkswagen study, tailpipe exhaust and evaporative emission
s of hydrocarbons (HC)/volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxi
des (NOx), and particulate matter are greater than emissions upstream
in the fuel cycle. This difference apparently arises from using on-roa
d tailpipe emissions data, rather than emissions data from laboratory
tests. The Economic Input-Output model is found useful for quantifying
the range of implications of decisions concerning manufacture and use