The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in partnership with several interna
tional agencies and universities, has produced a global land cover cha
racteristics database. The land cover data were created using multitem
poral analysis of advanced very high resolution radiometer satellite i
mages in conjunction with other existing geographic data A translation
table permits the conversion of the land cover classes into several c
onventional land cover schemes that are used by ecosystem modelers, cl
imate modelers, land management agencies, and other user groups. The a
lternative classification schemes include Global Ecosystems, the Biosp
here Atmosphere Transfer Scheme, the Simple Biosphere, the USGS Anders
on Level 2, and the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme. The d
istribution system for these data is through the World Wide Web(the we
b site address is:
or by magnetic media upon special request. The availability of the dat
a over the World Wide Web, in conjunction with the flexible database s
tructure, allows easy data access to a wide range of users. The web si
te contains a user registration form that allows analysis of the diver
se applications of large-area land cover data. Currently, applications
are divided among mapping (20 percent), conservation (30 percent), an
d modeling (35 percent).