This paper illustrates the various aspects of the reactivity of the Cu
(II)-Cu(I) system in biological systems, with one example of an enzyma
tic reaction in which Cu(II) alone is oxidizing enough to carry out th
e reaction (superoxide dismutase), one example in which a Cu(II)-bound
peroxo intermediate is the active species (tyrosinase) and the exampl
es of galactose oxidase and copper amine oxidases in which Cu(II) is a
ssociated with a redox active organic cofactor, In some cases, we will
show some illustrations of biomimetic approaches developed in our lab
oratories, aimed at a better understanding of reaction mechanisms and
at an original design of new catalysts with potential applications in
synthetic chemistry. Some comments are given concerning the respective
features of copper and iron. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.