Host-rock chemical alteration and syntectonic veins in and near fault
zones are evidence for episodic fracturing and fluid transport during
faulting. Alteration minerals, vein fillings, and fluid inclusions may
be used to estimate fault-fluid chemistry, temperature, and pressure.
Fluid inclusions in thrust faults, reverse faults hosting mesothermal
gold deposits, and exhumed footwall rocks of normal faults show that
fluid components include NaCl, CO2, CH4 and CaCl2 in addition to H2O.
Fluid composition, temperature, and pressure are spatially and tempora
lly variable on most faults; a typical fault fluid does not exist, NaC
l concentrations in fault fluids vary from 0 to 39 wt.%, CaCl2 concent
rations range up to 19 wt.% and CO2 concentrations range up to 32 mole
% in fluid inclusions, but some inclusions are present that are 100 mo
le% CO2. Homogenization temperature measurements and pressure estimate
s confirm that these fluids were trapped at elevated pressure at depth
on the faults. In CO2-bearing fault fluids, pressures fluctuated, and
a range of CO2 contents indicate effervescence. Varying solution dens
ities of NaCl-H2O fluids have been interpreted to result from entrapme
nt of fluids in inclusions at constant temperature and varying pressur
es. Diverse fluid compositions an present on some faults with similar
homogenization temperatures and estimated pressures suggesting similar
depths on the faults. Pressure, temperature and fluid composition det
ermine the solubilities of fracture-filling minerals calcite and quart
z and the formation of alteration minerals that are related to the mec
hanical behavior of the rock. Quartz may precipitate as a result of co
oling or pressure reduction, but calcite solubility increases with coo
ling and decreases with decreased P-CO2. Higher salinities increase so
lubilities of calcite and quartz and decrease the pH for equilibrium a
mong feldspars, muscovite and solution. Mineral assemblages provide ev
idence of depressurization of the fluid as fluid moves from higher- to
lower-pressured reservoirs. Precipitation of quartz, calcite, and K-f
eldspar or albite in fractures may result from fluid depressurization.
Fault-zone rocks containing stilbite and laumontite reacted with flui
d that contained little CO2 at comparatively low temperature and press
ure; kaolinite, prehnite, muscovite, epidote, and chlorite formed from
fluids at higher temperature and pressure. Variations in mineralogy a
nd fluid-inclusion characteristics on individual faults suggest separa
te fluids that differ in chemical composition, temperature, and pressu
re. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.