A modified C/V (capacitance/voltage) measuring set-up for the synchron
ous operation of several EIS (electrolyte- insulator-semiconductor) se
nsors was developed. Therewith, the simultaneous detection of differen
t substances in aqueous analytes is possible by using capacitive senso
rs that can easily be manufactured. This novel method is exemplarily d
emonstrated for a sensor array based on a pH-sensitive EIS structure (
Al/Si/SiO2/Si3N4) and a penicillin-sensitive EIS structure (Al/Si/SiO2
/Si3N4/penicillinase). Both sensors are connected in parallel with eac
h other. By using two additional d.c, voltage sources the single C/V c
urves are shifted against each other along the voltage axis. The resul
ting 'step-like' C/V curve allows the distinct assignment of each step
fraction to the corresponding sensor, and thus the simultaneous detec
tion of the pH and penicillin concentration in a single measurement. (
C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.