In order to determine the aetiology of acute epiglottitis in adults, b
lood cultures, paired sera and a urine sample were obtained from 54 pa
tients with fever and epiglottitis visualized by indirect laryngoscopy
or bg direct fibreoptic nasolaryngoscopy. Antibodies were determined
against the capsular polysaccharide of Haemophilus influenzae type b (
Hib), 3 pneumococcal antigens (a mixture of 23 capsular polysaccharide
s, C-polysaccharide and pneumolysin) and antistreptolysin O. Acute ser
a were examined by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for DNA of Hib
and pneumococci, The urine samples were examined for Hib capsular anti
gen, Blood cultures were positive in 15 patients. In another 16, serol
ogy and/or PCR verified the aetiology, Hib was the cause in 14, pneumo
cocci in 12 and group A streptococci in 5 patients. The aetiology rema
ined unknown in 23/54 patients (43%), In conclusion, the addition of s
erology and PCR to blood cultures doubled the possibilities of verifyi
ng the aetiology of acute epiglottitis in adults.