Fabrication of structures at the atomic scale is now possible using st
ate-of-the-art techniques for manipulating individual atoms(1), and it
may become possible to design electrical circuits atom by atom. A pre
requisite for successful design is a knowledge of the relationship bet
ween the macroscopic electrical characteristics of such circuits and t
he quantum properties of the individual atoms used as building blocks.
As a first step, we show here that the chemical valence determines th
e conduction properties of the simplest imaginable circuit - a one-ato
m contact between two metallic banks. The extended quantum states that
carry the current from one bank to the other necessarily proceed thro
ugh the valence orbitals of the constriction atom. It thus seems reaso
nable to conjecture that the number of current-carrying modes (or 'cha
nnels') of a one-atom contact is determined by the number of available
valence orbitals, and so should strongly differ for metallic elements
in different series of the periodic table. We have tested this conjec
ture using scanning tunnelling microscopy and mechanically controllabl
e break-junction techniques(2,3) to obtain atomic-size constrictions f
or four different metallic elements (Pb, Al, Nb and An), covering a br
oad range of valences and orbital structures. Our results demonstrate
unambiguously a direct link between valence orbitals and the number of
conduction channels in one-atom contacts.