Research ill the Ecological Assessment Technology Area of the Aquatic
Plant Control Research Program has contributed extensively to understa
nding the basic and applied ecology of nonnative and native aquatic pl
ants. Continuing ecological research in this technology area strives t
o be relevant to aquatic plant management through a focus on the follo
wing areas; 1) improving the effectiveness of management techniques, 2
) evaluating the effectiveness of management techniques, 3) evaluating
the impacts of management techniques on nontarget species and environ
mental quality, and 4) preventing new infestations of nonnative aquati
c plants. While both current and future planned research falls within
these areas, specific research needs for the future have been identifi
ed in the areas of 1) developing standard aquatic plant quantification
methods, 2) developing protocols for identifying die potential of new
species to create nuisance problems, and 3) developing spatial databa
ses and spatial models of plant distribution.