Methylobacterium extorquens was isolated and was found as one of the m
ost resistant microorganisms in the original bioburden of ophthalmic c
otton dressings to be submitted to gamma radiation sterilization. Radi
ation survival curves were simultaneously performed in phosphate buffe
r and in test-pieces on two isolates, one obtained before irradiation
(wild strain) and the other after irradiation at 20 kGy (rad strain),
as well as on three type strains of Methylobacterium spp. (M, extorque
ns(T), M. radiotolerans(T) and M. fujisawaense(T)). The radiation resi
stance was compared using D-values. To analyze the effect of non linea
rity on radioresistance other measures were applied, such as intercept
point, fraction of surviving cells at a selected dose and area. The r
anking of strains with these approaches showed to be different, pointi
ng out the need of an integrated measure of radioresistance. Therefore
, an index of relative survival (IRS) is proposed.