Famciclovir (FCV, the oral form of penciclovir, PCV) is a potent antiv
iral agent of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and is currently in phase III cl
inical trials. In this review, we examine the outcome of FCV treatment
in preventing recurrent HBV in patients post transplantation. Resista
nce to FCV has now been documented in this setting, in which reduced s
ensitivity to FCV was associated with mutations upstream from the cons
erved 'YMDD' motif in the HBV polymerase gene. These mutations are in
a region which has been designated as the B domain in RNA-dependent po
lymerases. To understand these mutations we have developed a model of
the catalytic regions of the HBV polymerase and located mutations sele
cted during antiviral treatment on this model.