Gt. Altemose et Dh. Wiener, CONTROL OF RISK-FACTORS IN PERIPHERAL VASCULAR-DISEASE - MANAGEMENT OF HYPERTENSION, The Surgical clinics of North America, 78(3), 1998, pp. 369
Hypertension is a highly prevalent disorder and a potent factor in pro
moting atherosclerosis. Identifying and controlling high blood pressur
e are major goals in caring for the vascular patient. A focused histor
y and physical examination and selected laboratory studies will identi
fy potential underlying land remediable) causes of hypertension, targe
t organ effects, and other risk factors for vascular disorders. Lifest
yle changes and pharmacologic therapy tailored for this patient popula
tion are discussed, along with the importance of considering whether r
enovascular hypertension is present.