Peripheral neuropathies can be a source of great morbidity and discomf
ort to diabetic patients and a challenge for the physician. The clinic
al manifestations of specific peripheral neuropathies, such as small-
and large-fiber sensory neuropathies, autonomic and motor neuropathies
, mixed polyneuropathies, and focal compression neuropathies are revie
wed. The pathophysiology involves several potential mechanisms, includ
ing ischemic, metabolic, and immune-mediated pathways. Electrophysiolo
gic testing, peripheral nerve biopsies, and skin biopsies are modaliti
es that aid in diagnosis. Treatment emphasizes preventive foot care, s
trict blood glucose control and symptomatic control of painful neuropa
thies. Newer modalities of treatment, including pancreatic transplants
and several new drugs, can block and potentially reverse the patholog
ic process of peripheral neuropathies in patients with diabetes.