Real time ultrasound presents a helpful tool for the diagnosis of fert
ility problems in sow farms. Sonography of the uterus allows for the d
etection of non pregnant sows from day 20 after insemination. Diagnosi
s of pathological uterine conditions is possible by detection of liqui
d in the uterus caused by endometritis or pyometra. The reliability of
ultrasound for ovarian diagnosis in swine is closely related to the e
xperience of the investigator and the type of scanner used. In ovarian
diagnosis special emphasis is laid on the monitoring of the time of o
vulation and the recognition of ovarian cysts as a cause for fertility
disorders in the farm. The Lime of ovulation varies considerably betw
een farms and therefore requires a herd specific insemination strategy
. Ovarian cysts were observed frequently in a herd study. They cause s
ubfertility without clinical symptoms. In conclusion, ultrasound used
for ovarian diagnosis in pig farms allows the adaption of insemination
management and the recognition of cysts as a possible cause for subfe