The properties of MHD turbulence in the electrically conducting fluids
available in the laboratory (where the magnetic Reynolds number is si
gnificantly smaller than unity) may be summarised as follows: (1) The
Alfven waves, even under their degenerated form at this scale, are res
ponsible for a tendency to two-dimensionality. Eddies tend to become a
ligned with the applied magnetic field and inertia tends to restore is
otropy. The competition between these mechanisms results in a spectral
law t<SUP>-2</SUP>k<SUP>-3</SUP>.<SUP> </SUP>(2) When insulating wall
s, perpendicular to the magnetic field, are present and close enough t
o each other, two-dimensionality can be established with a good approx
imation within the large scales, and the predominant mechanism is the
inverse energy cascade. (3) These columnar eddies are nevertheless sub
mitted to a dissipation within the Hartmann boundary layers present at
their ends, whose time scale is independent of the wave number. When
this damping effect is negligible, ordinary 2D turbulence is observed
with k(-5/3) spectra. On the contrary when this (ohmic and viscous) da
mping is significant this 2D turbulence exhibits k(-3) spectra. Beside
s these homogeneous (except within the Hartmann layers) conditions, fo
r instance in shear flows such as mixing layers, almost nothing is kno
wn except that two-dimensionality may be well established. The first r
esults of a recent experimental investigation (still in development) a
re presented. Some challenging questions are raised, such as the inter
pretation of a surprising difference between the transport of momentum
and the transport of a scalar quantity (heat) across that layer. A vi
deo was shown during the oral presentation of this paper, illustrating
the energy transfer toward the large scales and the weakness of the d
issipation suffered by this 2D velocity field.