During 1993 - 1998, in winter time 14 elderly patients: 8 female and 6
male aged 65 - 88, were treated because of hypothermia. Rectal temper
ature on admission. was 20 - 34.9 degrees C. Sopor was present in 2 an
d various grades of coma were present in 10 patients. Arterial hypoten
sion was recorded in 5, and shock in 9 patients. Increased serum creat
inine level was found in 8 patients. The mean rectal temperature in th
e whole group was 31.3 degrees C +/- 4.7 ranging from 20.0 to 34.9 deg
rees C, and the mean serum creatinine level was 172.2 +/- 93.5 in rang
e of 66.0 to 360.0 mu mol/L. Negative correlation between those two pa
rameters was found: r = -0.572. In 2 of then parameters of renal failu
re were analyzed: urine sodium concentration, creatinine urine/plasma
ratio, urine osmolality, urine/plasma osmolality ratio, renal failure
index and fractional excretion, of filtered sodium. In one of the pati
ents all parameters were within the range of functional oliguria, in a
n, other the urine sodium concentration serum showed acute renal failu
re, but all other findings showed borderline values between functional
oliguria and acute renal failure. Twelve out of 14 patients died with
in 1-216 hours from admission.