Accurate knowledge about the morphology and topography of foramen mand
ibulae is of great practical importance in. anaesthesia of inferior al
veolar nerve. A certain number of skeletotopical relations may be used
as valuable orientation. points. Because of the controversies about t
hese marking points it has been decided to perform measurements on a l
arge sample of macerated mandibulae that are significant to location a
nd shape of foramen mandibulae (FM) and lingula in relation to the sur
rounding orientation points. The measurements were taken in antero-pos
terior and infra-superior directions. In AP direction the distance bet
ween PRR and FM was measured; the obtained sample average was 15.03 at
variability of Qv 12.18%; ARR-FM distance had the average value of 17
.52 at Qv of 50%; the CT-FM distance had the average of 14.81 at Qv of
8.17%. In infra-superior direction the following measurements were ma
de: AM-FM with the average of 21.10 at Qv of 13.98%; IM-IF with the av
erage of 25.19 at Qv of 16.18%; PCO-FM with the average of 44.17 at Qv
of 10.48%; and PCR-FM with the average of 42.79 at Qv of 10.87%. Extr
eme heterogeneity was noticed in the measurements of lingula. In the a
ntero-posterior plane the FM is Located in the middle of the CT-PRR di
stance, i.e. in, measurements in, which the external oblique Line was
used as anterior point, FM was located at the juncture of two anterior
thirds and the posterior third of ramus mandibulae. In infra-superior
direction the lowest FM point was closer to AM than to IM, indicating
a somewhat lower position. of FM. The mean value of FM depth was 4.31
and the most commonly found shape of the foramen was that of the elon
gated type (45%). The lingula was prominent, although unevenly, in 51%
of study samples.