One important task in the field of digital video signal processing is
the conversion of one standard into another with different field and s
can rates. Therefore a new vector-based nonlinear upconversion algorit
hm has been developed that applies nonlinear center weighted median fi
lters (CWM). Assuming a two channel model of the human visual system w
ith different spatio-temporal characteristics, there are contrary dema
nds for the CWM filters. One can meet these demands by a vertical band
separation and an application of so-called temporally and spatially d
ominated CWMs. By this means, interpolation errors of the separated ch
annels can be compensated by an adequate splitting of the spectrum. Th
erefore a very robust vector error tolerant upconversion method can be
achieved, which significantly improves the interpolation quality. By
an appropriate choice of the CWM filter root structures main picture e
lements are interpolated correctly even if faulty vector fields occur.
To demonstrate the correctness of the deduced interpolation scheme, p
icture content is classified These classes are distinguished by correc
t or incorrect vector assignment and correlated or noncorrelated pictu
re content. The mode of operation of the new algorithm is portrayed fo
r each class. Whereas the mode of operation for correlated picture con
tent can be shown by object models, this is shown for noncorrelated pi
cture content by the probability distribution function of the applied
CWM fillers. The new algorithm has been verified by objective evaluati
on methods [peak signal lo noise ratio (PSNR), and subjective mean squ
are error (SMSE) measurements] and by a comprehensive subjective test
series. (C) 1997 SPIE and IS&T.