The aim of this work was to set up an experimental model of glycemic f
luctuations for assessing in the conscious freely moving rat, the perf
ormance of a continuous glucose-monitoring system, using a pocket-calc
ulator-size electronic control unit and a miniaturized subcutaneous gl
ucose sensor. The well-known triphasic glycemic pattern following stre
ptozotocin injection (initial peak and secondary hypoglycemia precedin
g the establishment of permanent hyperglycemia) was used as a way to o
btain spontaneous changes in blood glucose level over a wide concentra
tion range. This report demonstrates that streptozotocin injection pro
duced highly reproducible changes in the current generated by the sens
or: an initial peak and a secondary nadir, during which blood sampling
provided the evidence of hyperglycemia associated with immunoreactive
hypoinsulinemia, and of hypoglycemia associated with hyperinsulinemia
, respectively. This reproducible experimental model should be valuabl
e for the assessment of a continuous glucose-monitoring system. Copyri
ght (C) 1998 by W.B. Saunders Company.