This case study documents a twelve month programme of work commissione
d by a major British telecommunications and broadcasting company. The
brief was to develop a corporate strategy for the effective exploitati
on of Information Technology (IT) which took due account of human and
organizational requirements of IT. The paper explains how human factor
s principles were applied within this organizational context to develo
p a user-centred IT strategy. The approach involved the application of
a simultaneous 'top down' and 'bottom up' approach. The 'top down' an
alyses established the corporate goals of the company to be supported
by IT. The 'bottom up' data collection process revealed the realities
and limitations of IT use in the company. The gap between the desired
future requirements of IT in the company and the present experience of
IT 'on the ground' was thus made explicit and clear. Specifying the r
equired infrastructure, the policies, procedures, processes and mechan
isms necessary to close this gap provided the agenda for the IT strate
gy development process. It was considered crucial that the eventual st
rategy should be 'owned' by key stakeholders (i.e. influential IT prov
iders and senior managers of user departments) as well as by end-users
. Involvement of end-users was promoted by assigning to them the task
of collecting interview data on user experience of IT in the company.
This user experience data informed (as one of several inputs) the deli
berations of the key stakeholders given the task of agreeing the key c
omponents of a corporate IT strategy. In a workshop setting, the stake
holders discussed and eventually agreed a draft strategy document to r
ecommend to the Board of Directors who had commissioned the exercise.
In due course the IT strategy document was accepted by the Board and i
mplementation set in motion. The IT strategy development process descr
ibed in this paper indicates that the systematic application of HF pri
nciples to corporate strategy formulation can be viable and effective.
However it is evident that such an exercise can only succeed where th
ere is whole-hearted commitment to a user-centred process by key indiv
iduals in an organization.