Diseases and pests ore among the adverse factors that most affect the
sustainability of a crop or farming system. In many cases, the biologi
cal diversity of plant species enables the identification and selectio
n of high-yielding, tolerant cultivars. Through methodical and ongoing
research, oil palm Fusarium wilt has been overcome. The research prog
rammes launched against bud rot,though not so far advanced, are based
on the resistance of Elaeis oleifera. likewise, Ganoderma resistance i
ndexes are known, but their utilization remains limited. For oil palm
marchitez and coconut hartrot, in the absence of a resistance index, c
ontrol methods involve management of the environment to control the ve
ctor insect, lastly, resistance sources have been identified in two co
conut ecotypes; they provide hope of a promising outcome to lethal yel
lowing control. Few insect species threaten the life of a palm. They a
re merely responsible for a drop in yields. An oil palm plantation con
tains an entomological complex comprising pests and their natural enem
ies, which play a considerable role in regulating populations. Given t
he fragility of this environment, control methods have to respect the
ecosystem as much as possible. Whether it be for diseases or pests, ma
n now has a panoply of methods at his disposal for the rational contro
l of pests and diseases whilst respecting biological balances.