Compaction driven fluid flow is inherently unstable such that an obstr
uction to upward fluid flow (i.e. a shock) may induce fluid-filled wav
es of porosity, propagated by dilational deformation due to an effecti
ve pressure gradient within the wave. Viscous porosity waves have attr
acted attention as a mechanism for melt transport, but are also a mech
anism for both the transport and trapping of fluids released by diagen
etic and metamorphic reactions. We introduce a mathematical formulatio
n applicable to compaction driven flow for the entire range of rheolog
ical behaviors realized in the lithosphere. We then examine three firs
t-order factors that influence the character of fluid flow: (1) therma
lly activated creep, (2) dependence of bulk viscosity on porosity, and
(3) fluid flow in the limit of zero initial connected porosity. For n
ormal geothermal gradients, thermally activated creep stabilizes horiz
ontal waves, a geometry that was thought to be unstable on the basis o
f constant viscosity models. Implications of this stabilization are th
at: (1) the vertical length scale for compaction driven flow is genera
lly constrained by the activation energy for viscous deformation rathe
r than the viscous compaction length, and (2) lateral fluid flow in vi
scous regimes may occur on greater length scales than anticipated from
earlier estimates of compaction length scales. In viscous rock, inver
ted geothermal gradients stabilize vertically elongated waves or verti
cal channels. Decreasing temperature toward the earth's surface can in
duce an abrupt transition from viscous to elastic deformation-propagat
ed fluid flow. Below the transition, fluid flow is accomplished by sho
rt wavelength, large amplitude waves; above the transition flow is by
high velocity, low amplitude surges. The resulting transient flow patt
erns vary strongly in space and time. Solitary porosity waves may nucl
eate in viscous, viscoplastic, and viscoelastic rheologies. The amplit
ude of these waves is effectively unlimited for physically realistic m
odels with dependence of bulk viscosity on porosity. In the limit of z
ero initial connected porosity, arguably the only model relevant for m
elt extraction, travelling waves are only possible in a viscoelastic m
atrix. Such waves are truly self-propagating in that the fluid and the
wave phase velocities are identical; thus, if no chemical processes o
ccur during propagation, the waves have the capacity to transmit geoch
emical signatures indefinitely. In addition to solitary waves, we find
that periodic solutions to the compaction equations are common though
previously unrecognized. The transition between the solutions depends
on the pore volume carried by the wave and the Darcyian velocity of t
he background fluid flux. Periodic solutions are possible for all velo
cities, whereas solitary solutions require large volumes and low veloc
ities. (C) Elsevier, Paris.