Each of n processors has a value which should be transmitted to all ot
her processors. This fundamental communication task is called gossipin
g. In a unit of time every processor can communicate with at most one
other processor and during such a transmission each member of a commun
icating pair learns all values currently known to the other. Two impor
tant criteria of efficiency of a gossiping algorithm are its running t
ime and the total number of transmissions. Another measure of quality
of a gossiping algorithm is the total number of links used for transmi
ssions. This is the minimum cost of a network which can support the go
ssiping algorithm. We establish trade-offs between the time T of gossi
ping and the number C of transmissions and between the time of gossipi
ng and the number L of links used by the algorithm. For a given T we c
onstruct gossiping algorithms working in time T, with parameters C and
L close to optimal.