Membrane electrical properties of smooth muscle cells at different loc
i in the vessel wall of rat small mesenteric arteries were studied usi
ng glass microelectrodes. Isometric force was measured simultaneously.
Penetrations of smooth muscle cells on the adventitial side (outer ce
lls) showed an average resting potential, -43.1+/-0.8 mV (n=24). In ou
ter cells, numerous depolarizing junctional potentials and, to a lesse
r degree, hyperpolarizing junctional potentials were observed. When cu
rrent was injected, electrotonic potentials were recorded. Input resis
tance was 2.2+/-0.1x10(9) Omega (n=15), suggesting that the low resist
ance pathways commonly observed in smooth muscle tissue are absent amo
ng these cells. Transmural electrical stimulation of nerves elicited s
pikes and summation of junctional potentials, accompanied by force. TT
X virtually abolished these effects of the transmural stimulation. In
contrast, cells near the intima (inner cells) had an average resting p
otential of -65.8+/-0.9 mV (n=37). No spontaneous electrical activity
was observed; nor could electrotonic potentials be recorded, Thus, the
smooth muscle cells from the outer layer of rat small resistance arte
ries differ from the inner cells in their lower membrane potentials, g
eneration of spikes, higher input resistance and innervation. Results
also suggest that the influence of nerves may be to facilitate opening
of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in innervated cells.