We report 3 cases of rash after the first dose of antituberculosis pol
ytherapy, thus raising questions concerning the procedures to be follo
wed. Case report, Three patients developed a pruritic rash I hour afte
r rite first dose of isoniazide, rifampicine, pyrazinamide and ethambu
tol given simultaneously,. The eruption did not recur after readminist
ration of isoniazide and rifampicine successively. Pyrazinamide, which
was readministered ed last (at the full dose in one case and at progr
essive doses in the two others), induced a recurrence in two of them,
Pyrazinamide was definitively with-drawn in one patient with recurrenc
e and slower pyrazinamide readministration allowed continuation of tre
atment in the other two patients. Conclusion. Since pyrazinamide appea
led to be responsible for rash following the first administration of a
ntituberculosis polytherapy, a protocol for readministration of the 4
drugs is suggested, IS the responsibility of pyrazinamide is confirmed
it should be readministered very slowly.