In his well-known paper ''How computer should think'' Belnap (1977) ar
gues that four-valued semantics is a very suitable setting for compute
rized reasoning. In this paper we vindicate this thesis by showing tha
t the logical role that the four-valued structure has among Ginsberg's
bilattices is similar to the role that the two-valued algebra has amo
ng Boolean algebras. Specifically, we provide several theorems that sh
ow that the most useful bilattice-valued logics can actually be charac
terized as four-valued inference relations. In addition, we compare th
e use of three-valued logics with the use of four-valued logics, and s
how that at least for the task of handling inconsistent or uncertain i
nformation, the comparison is in favor of the latter. (C) 1998 Elsevie
r Science B.V. All rights reserved.