Demands for GIS education and training are now being met by a loose co
mbination of workshops, shortcourses, college and university instructi
on, and GIS degree programmes. Specialized CIS degree programmes offer
concentrated studies, but may not be appropriate for students approac
hing GIS from an applications area or for those without the time for,
or interest in completing an additional degree. Certificate programmes
offered through colleges and universities provide students with a fra
mework of courses that address GIS theory, applications, and related s
ubjects. Increases in the number of GIS professionals and concerns abo
ut unethical or incompetent behaviour have also brought calls for prog
rammes aimed at improving professional competency among GIS practition
ers. This paper reviews educational, training, and professional compet
ency programmes associated with GIS and offers a model for continuing
education that employs academic GIS certificate and professional certi
fication programmes. Included in the discussion is an overview of prer
equisites and requirements associated with certificate programmes in t
he US and Canada and recommendations concerning the role and design of
certificate and certification programmes.