Glaciations have occurred episodically at different time intervals and
for different durations in Earth's history. Ice covers have formed in
a wide range of plate tectonic and structural settings but the bulk o
f Earth's glacial record can be shown to have been deposited and prese
rved in basins within extensional settings. In such basins, source are
a uplift and basin subsidence fulfill the tectonic preconditions for t
he initiation of glaciation and the accomodation and preservation of g
laciclastic sediments. Tectonic setting, in particular subsidence rate
s, also dictates the type of glaciclastic facies and facies succession
s that are deposited. Many pre-Pleistocene glaciated basins commonly c
ontain well-defined tectonostratigraphic successions recording the int
erplay of tectonics and sedimentation; traditional climatostratigraphi
c approaches involving interpretation in terms of either ice advance/r
etreat cycles or glacio-eustatic sea-level change require revision. Th
e direct record of continental glaciation in Earth history, in the for
m of classically-recognised continental glacial landforms and ''tillit
es'', is meagre; it is probable that more than 95% of the volume of pr
eserved ''glacial'' strata are glacially-influenced marine deposits th
at record delivery of large amounts of glaciclastic sediment to offsho
re basins. This flux has been partially or completely reworked by ''no
rmal'' sedimentary processes such that the record of glaciation and cl
imate change is recorded in marine successions and is difficult to dec
ipher. The dominant ''glacial'' facies in the rock record are subaqueo
us debris flow diamictites and turbidites recording the selective pres
ervation of poorly-sorted glaciclastic sediment deposited in deep wate
r basins by sediment gravity flows. However, these facies are also typ
ical of many non-glacial settings, especially volcanically-influenced
environments; numerous Archean and. Proterozoic diamictites, described
in the older literature as tillites, have no clearly established glac
ial parentage. The same remarks apply to many successions of laminated
and thin-bedded facies interpreted as ''varvites''. Despite suggestio
ns of much lower values of solar luminosity (the weak young sun hypoth
esis), the stratigraphic record Of Archean glaciations is not extensiv
e and may be the result of non-preservation. However, the effects of v
ery different Archean global tectonic regimes and much higher geotherm
al heat flows, combined with a Venus-like atmosphere warmed by elevate
d levels of CO2, cannot be ruled out. The oldest unambiguous glacial s
uccession in Earth history appears to be the Early Proterozoic Gowgand
a Formation of the Huronian Supergroup in Ontario; the age of this eve
nt is not well-constrained but glaciation coincided with regional rift
ing, and may be causally related to, oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere
just after 2300 Ma. New evidence that oxygenation is tectonically, no
t biologically driven, stresses the intimate relationship between plat
e tectonics, evolution of the atmosphere and glaciation. Global geoche
mical controls, such as elevated atmospheric CO2 levels, may be respon
sible for a long mid-Proterozoic non-glacial interval after 2000 Ma th
at was terminated by the Late Proterozoic glaciations just after 800 M
a. A persistent theme in both Late Proterozoic and Phanerozoic glaciat
ions is the adiabatic effect of tectonic uplift, either along collisio
nal margins or as a result of passive margin uplifts in areas of exten
ded crust, as the trigger for glaciation; the process is reinforced by
global geochemical feedback, principally the drawdown of atmospheric
CO2 and Milankovitch ''astronomical'' forcing but these are unlikely,
by themselves, to inititiate glaciation. The same remarks apply to lat
e Cenozoic glaciations. Late Proterozoic glacially-influenced strata o
ccur on all seven continents and fall into two tectonostratigraphic ty
pes. In the first category are thick sucessions of turbidites and mass
flows deposited along active, compressional plate margins recording a
protracted and complex phase of supercontinent assembly between 800 a
nd 550 Ma. Local cordilleran glaciations of volcanic peaks is indicate
d. Many deposits are preserved within mobile belts that record the sub
duction of interior oceans now preserved as ''welds'' between differen
t cratons. Discrimination between glacially-influenced and non-glacial
, volcaniclastic mass flow successions continues to be problematic. Th
e second tectonostratigraphic category of Late Proterozoic glacial str
ata includes successions of glacially-influenced, mostly marine strata
deposited along rifted, extensional plate margins. The oldest (Sturti
an) glaciclastic sediments result from the break-out of Laurentia from
the Late Proterozoic supercontinent starting around 750 Ma along its
''palaeo-Pacific'' margin with a later (Marinoan) phase of rifting at
about 650 Ma. ''Passive margin'' uplifts and the generation of ''adiab
atic'' ice covers on uplifted crustal blocks triggered widespread glac
iation along the ''palaeo-Pacific'' margin of North America and in Aus
tralia. A major phase of rifting along the opposite (''palaeo-Atlantic
'') margin of Laurentia occurred after 650 Ma and is similarly recorde
d by glaciclastic strata in basins preserved around the margins of the
present day North Atlantic Ocean. Glaciation of the west African plat
form after 650 Ma is closely related to collision of the West African
and Guyanan cratons and uplift of the orogenic belt; the same process,
involving uplift around the northern and western margins of the Afro-
Arabian platform subsequently triggered Late Ordovician glaciation at
about 440 Ma when the south polar region lay over North Africa. Early
Silurian glaciation in Bolivia and Brazil was followed by a non-glacia
l episode and renewed Late Devonian glaciation of northern Brazil and
Bolivia. The latter event may have resulted from rotation of Gondwana
under the South Pole combined with active orogenesis along the western
margin of the supercontinent. Hercynian uplift along the western marg
in of South America caused by the collision and docking of ''Chilinia'
' at about 350 Ma (Late Tournasian-Early Visean) was the starting poin
t of a long Late Palaeozoic glacial record that terminated at about 25
5 Ma (Kungurian-Kazanian) in western Australia. The arrival of large l
andmasses at high latitude may have been an important precondition for
ice growth. Strong Namurian uplift around virtually the ent