A. Venkatram, THE PARAMETERIZATION OF THE VERTICAL DISPERSION OF A SCALAR IN THE ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY-LAYER, Atmospheric environment. Part A, General topics, 27(13), 1993, pp. 1963-1966
This paper discusses the validity of two alternate ways of parameteriz
ing the turbulent transport term of a scalar. One form assumes that w'
C'BAR = -K partial derivative CBAR/partial derivative z (a) where K is
the eddy diffusivity, CBAR is the concentration of the scalar express
ed as mass per unit volume, and z is the vertical coordinate. The alte
rnative formulation is w'C'BAR = -KrhoBAR partial derivative qBAR/part
ial derivative z (b) where rhoBAR is the density of air, and qBAR is t
he mixing ratio given by qBAR = CBAR/rhoBAR. (c) This paper shows that
neither of these two parameterizations is strictly correct. However,
the second equation is closer to the correct formulation, which is w'C
'BAR = -KrhoBAR partial derivative qBAR/partial derivative z + w'rhoqB
AR, (d) We show that when equation (d) is substituted into the mass co
nservation equation, only the first term is dominant. The resulting eq
uation for qBAR is partial derivative qBAR/partial derivative t = 1/rh
oBAR partial derivative/partial derivative z (KrhoBAR partial derivati
ve qBAR/partial derivative z). (e)