One-trial learning, though experienced by many has received minimal at
tention in motor learning research. As previous study in our laborator
y provided some support, the present study was designed to follow-up b
y examining whether there is no expected negative transfer or response
competition. 24 subjects were randomly assigned to a Response-Replace
ment or Stimulus-Replacement group in an ABAB learning study. Prior to
testing subjects learned a list of eight S-R pairs to a criterion of
two consecutive error-free trials. The stimuli were eight 3-letter non
sense syllables while responses were specific hand signs taken from th
e Gallaudet Survival Guide to Signing. Once the list had been learned,
subjects transferred to a condition in which either three responses o
r three stimuli were replaced. Subjects were to learn this new list to
a criterion of one error-free trial. Once they learned, subjects perf
ormed three additional test trials on the new list, without intervenin
g acquisition trials, to assess negative transfer from the old list to
the new list. The response-replaced group required significantly more
acquisition trials than did the stimulus-replaced group. No significa
nt difference in errors postcriterion between the groups was found. Th
e findings were consistent with Guthrie's (1952) expectations, in that
once the new response had been learned, there was no retroactive inte
rference from the initial list.