New Zealand coal seams (Late Cretaceous-Miocene, lignite-semi-anthraci
te) contain numerous and varied occurrences of diagenetic quartz and a
morphous silica. Early diagenetic silicifications include: sub-horizon
tal and laterally extensive, quartz-mineralized bands; micro- and mega
scopic, euhedral quartz crystals, dispersed or concentrated in layers;
and silicified in situ tree stumps. Late diagenetic forms include: su
b-horizontal, quartz-mineralized bands, mostly < 1 m in length; and fr
acture-infillings. The origins of the silica remain uncertain but leac
hed basement rocks and coal measure sediments, and siliceous phytolith
s within the coal-forming plants, are possible sources. The silicifica
tion of coal seams may have significant implications for exploration,
mining and geological studies.