Dr. Holtgrave et al., COST AND COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF INCREASING ACCESS TO STERILE SYRINGES AND NEEDLES AS AN HIV PREVENTION INTERVENTION IN THE UNITED-STATES, Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology, 18, 1998, pp. 133-138
We determined the cost of increasing access of injection drug users (I
DUs) to sterile syringes and needles as an HIV prevention intervention
in the United States and the cost per HN infection averted by such a
program. We considered a hypothetical cohort of 1 million active IDUs
in the United States. Standard methods were used to estimate the cost
and cost-effectiveness of policies to increase access to sterile syrin
ges and syringe disposal at various levels of coverage (e.g., a 100% c
overage level would ensure access to a sterile syringe for each inject
ion given current levels of illicit drug injection in the United State
s; a 50% coverage level would ensure access to one half of the require
d syringes). A mathematical model of HIV transmission was employed to
link programmatic coverage levels with estimates of numbers of HIV inf
ections averted. A policy of funding syringe exchange programs, pharma
cy sales, and syringe disposal to cover all illicit drug injections wo
uld cost just over $423 million U.S. for 1 year. One third of these co
sts would be paid for as out-of-pocket expenditures by IDUs purchasing
syringes in pharmacies. Compared with the status quo, this policy wou
ld cost an estimated $34,278 U.S. per HN infection averted, a figure w
ell under the estimated lifetime costs of medical care for a person wi
th HIV infection. At very high levels of coverage (>88%), the marginal
cost-effectiveness of increased program coverage becomes less favorab
le. Although the total costs of funding large-scale IDU access to ster
ile syringes and disposal seem high, the economic benefits are substan
tial. Even at high levels of coverage, such funding would save society
money. As part of a comprehensive program of HIV prevention, policies
to increase IDUs access to sterile syringes urgently need further con
sideration by public health decision makers.