The American Heritage dictionary defines the word ''web'' as ''somethi
ng intricately contrived, especially something that ensnares or entang
les.'' The wealth of medical resources ion the World Wide Web is note
so extensive, yet disorganized and unmonitored, that such a definition
seems fitting. In emergency medicine, for example, a field in which a
ccurate and complete information, including patients' records, is urge
ntly needed, more than 5000 Web pages are available today, whereas few
er than 50 were available in December 1994. Most sites are static Web
pages using the Internet to publish textbook material, but new technol
ogy is extending the scope of the Internet to include online medical e
ducation and secure exchange of clinical information. This article lis
ts some of the best Web sites for use in emergency medicine and then d
escribes a project in which the Web is used for transmission and prote
ction of electronic records.